As I said somewhere on this site, the first contact I had with this world of computers when I was a young kid was through my first Atari 600 XL, an amazing 8-bit machine with (initially) 16 KB RAM (later on upgraded to 64 KB) and powered by a CMOS 6502 @ 1.72 MHz.
During those days I had a lot of pen-pals who also happened to be Atari fans and it was with one of them (hi Steve!) that I started to be the editor for a disk-magazine called ANGLO Magazine.
With the time it has evolved into a website: Atari User.
On the ol’ good days I used the alias “Pimpf” and made good friends from almost everywhere.
Now follows a list of people I lost the trace of some time ago and with whom I’d like to contact again if possible. If your name is listed, please contact me. I’ll be glad to hear from you again! If you are not on the list and you know me, please don’t be angry. We all are older nowadays and could forget things from time to time :-) it could happen that I’ll update the list when I remember one more name…
Here we go…! (random order):
- Freddy “Frankenstein” Offenga and rest of The High-Tech Team
- Yeb “Solarsystems” Havinga (also a HTT member)
- Pawel “Pirx” Kalinowski and rest of OUR 5OFT
- John “The Missing Link (TML)” Maris
- “Magnus”
- Milek “Thorgal” Smyk
- Jiri “BeWeSoft” Bernasek
- “Paskud”
- Peter “Jacomo Leopardi” Dell
- Karsten “Chip Special Software (CSS)” Schmidt
- Richard Vermeulen
- David Ewens
- Joakim Atterhall
- Umut + Emre Çelenli
- Wolfgang Burger of ABBUC
- Ivo van Poorten
- Alexander Martin
- Vidar “Hawk” Olavesen
- Bill Kendrick
- Tom Hunt
- Petr Stehlik
and a big forgotten rest (again: sorry!)
…hmmm… that’s it, somehow…
Please take a look at the contact section if you want to reach me.
As always, best regards from the “always hot” Canary Islands (although I moved around the world a couple of times now :P )