Mielke Family Tree Online

Even though my family name comes from Germany, many years ago I was wondering where my family roots came from and whether all the Mielke’s around the world where, somehow, related.

Thanks to social networks such as Facebook I have met other Mielke’s out there and, together with Steven Mielke from Canada, we decided to launch a project in common to gather as much information about our family as possible. We called it The Mielke Online Genealogy (MOG).

One of the main goals is to determine which branches of the family did the big jump over to the different sides of the world… Europe, US, Canada, Japan, Brasil… We know that it is a very time-consuming task but at least we shall solve a lots of questions and, of course, be able to provide a complete Mielke family tree (well, as complete as possible ;-) )

If you are also a Mielke and would be interested in The MOG project, feel free to visit http://www.mielke.gi/mog-project/ and register. It is (and always will be) free. With your help we all shall benefit.